
Requirements for an active website

Qualities of a Webmaster

A webmaster should possess skills and personal qualities as follows:

  • Working independently or with a team.

  • Must meet strict deadlines.

  • Knowledge of programming and graphics.

  • Be creative and imaginative.

  • Be able to pick up new techniques.

  • Have good interpersonal and communication skills.

  • Be thorough and precise with their work.

  • Be able to multi-task.

  • Conversant with web standards and protocols.

A website - Need of the hour

A good website is an asset to any Organisation or Institute. Now a days it becomes mandatory for certain organisations like Educational Institutes to have their own website.

Requirements for a website

1. Contents: This is about your organisation, its aim, purpose, vision etc. You have to arrange this information in various separate pages (called 'links') viz. Management, Courses, Faculty, Infra structure, Activities, Achievements etc. The contents are generally in two forms: Write-up and photos(images).
2. Domain Name selection: You must select proper, suitable and unique domain name to identify your website on Internet. It is of the form: www.example.com. Instead of .com, you may choose .org/.in/.net etc as per your choice and nature of your organisation.
3. Hosting: You must put your website on a commercial server so that anyone can access it from almost everywhere!
4. Design and maintenance of website: For proper functioning of the website you must approach an efficient Webmaster. He is responsible for all the activities related to your website!

Webmaster - An Important position

(Picture: Courtesy - https://blog.udemy.com) Webmaster2